Prelude and Abduction: in A Minor – Keith Robinson
Khalen the Mih’schen is adrift. Since the death of his mentor, he’s been journeying with two Solemsiel Master Arrangers, trying to save a …
Khalen the Mih’schen is adrift. Since the death of his mentor, he’s been journeying with two Solemsiel Master Arrangers, trying to save a …
It’s time for our summer contest! On (or at least in the general neighborhood of) September 1st, we’ll be giving away ALL THREE of Lauren …
Perform, or wake up in a new body. Earth’s one world government has had a hard time making all of its people agree on laws. Only one law a …
In this excellent article, Cap Stewart discusses the blurring of the line between pop culture and pornography.
The H. Halverstadt Books quarterly newsletter will be debuting this summer! We’ll be featuring updates on the writing of our reviewers, links to …
Update: Congratulations to our winner, Pam Halter! Our next contest winner will be drawn from our newsletter subscribers. Do you like free books? Once …
We’re sad at the closing of Lifeway’s retail stores, but happy that they will still be open online. We hope that this will open the door …
Cale “Tinker” Vardi wishes he could go to school, but on his planet, school costs money. He used to go to school, but that is before his …
The Realm Makers conference is the premier Christian SFF conference in the industry. They will be having their 2019 conference in July in St Louis, …
I can think of quite a few Christian movies that were so bad I couldn’t finish. In this article, E. Stephen Burnett talks about some Christian …
Three 1/2 Stars All Yumiko wants is to find her birth mother and solve the mystery of her birth. When a freak storm drives Yumiko and her …
JaRed the mouse, son of ReDemec, was minding his own business when Ta’Mir the seer decided to anoint him as the next king of Tira-Nor. He …