JaRed the mouse, son of ReDemec, was minding his own business when Ta’Mir the seer decided to anoint him as the next king of Tira-Nor. He didn’t do him any favors. This “honor” was sure to only increase the abuse from his brother HaRed, known to most as “Horrid”. Tira-Nor already had a king, one who was not in any hurry to give up his throne. And the rats….

Heat: None. There is no romance storyline at all.
Profanity: None.
Violence: More than a few animal on animal fight scenes. Some of them are bloody (in one one animal kills another animal by impaling them with a nail). None of it is gratuitous, but the violence may be too much for children under 9 or 10.
Genre: Middle grade Christian fantasy. Chapter book, no pictures.
Age recommendation: 10 and up due to violence.
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